How Workplace Learning Opportunities Can Boost Career Prospects

Workplace Learning werkplekleren is an exciting, hands on, classroom-style learning program which offer an opportunity for employees to receive some practical training, either on the job or in a classroom style. It empowers employees to be active participants in their own development. By using technology employees can take advantage of the resources, information and instruction available through the program. The value of workplace learning programs are evident within organisations where employees experience a sense of involvement, ownership and control over learning.

In today’s business environment, where information is crucial to decision making, workplace learning is being used in an increasing number of fields. Some industries have seen a significant growth in enrolment over the past few years, while others have seen a decrease in enrolment. The reasons for this fall and rise in different industries are varied and complex. However, one thing is common across the board; businesses recognise the importance of having employees engage and participate in these learning opportunities, whether it be through the traditional classroom style video conferencing or online interactive media.

Employers realise that employees gain skills and knowledge that they can utilise on the jobs. Learning through an online platform allows those who would previously have been unable to attend a classroom setting, due to time or geographic constraints, the ability to benefit from quality education. By using innovative processes and technologies such as interactive whiteboards, face to face communication or online discussion forums businesses are able to ensure that employees receive the highest level of professional and personalised learning. This has been found to be particularly important for people who may struggle with certain cognitive skills, such as people with Alzheimer’s or ADHD.

Many of the benefits of workplace learning are easily accessible to current staff members. As technology facilitates more efficient and effective decision making, it is essential that all staff are able to understand and apply this knowledge at all times. As new knowledge and skills are added, feedback mechanisms are put in place to ensure that all parties are provided with opportunities to review previous decisions and to make informed choices moving forward. This encourages communication between staff and employers to form a solid basis for lifelong learning.

There is also the added benefit of employers paying for their employees’ formal training and education. As long as a person maintains a certain level of employment they will not have to shell out money on any further learning. The level of advancement that can be achieved through workplace learning means that employees can move up through the ranks and continue to benefit from better management and team building skills. Many studies have shown that employees who have completed formal training have a higher satisfaction rating and are more likely to remain with their organisation for a longer period of time.

The implementation of workplace learning opportunities requires a great deal of strategic thinking on the part of both organisations and employers. Businesses should consider the skills that employees already have and those that they may need in the future. By developing an environment where learning happens at all levels of the business, employees can develop the skills that will help them in any career. A business that has an exciting and diverse workforce can achieve much higher levels of success in less time and with far less financial cost.